What is it?
Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health states that suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, call 911 immediately or visit your nearest hospital.
Most often, people attempt suicide when they have lost hope and see no other way to end their pain.
Indications include:
People who are feeling suicidal may:
- Talk about, or being preoccupied with, ending their life or wishing they were dead
- Have sudden changes in mood or behavior
- Feel a sense of hopelessness and helplessness
- Increase substance use
- Change normal routines, such as eating or sleeping patterns
- Withdraw from people and activities that they previously enjoyed
- Give away belongings or make preparations, such as creating a will.
Suicide is preventable. It is important to work with a health-care professional, who can assess whether there is an underlying mental-health condition, such as depression, in which case treatment would be tailored to that condition. If your suicidal thoughts are linked to a physical health condition or reaction to certain medications, treatment would be tailored to that. If your suicidal ideation is linked to alcohol or drug abuse, your treatment would include helping with your substance abuse.
How can Ketamine help?
For those who have tried conventional treatments and have not experienced relief, ketamine has been found by a growing body of research to treat major depression. Ketamine is a completely new approach because, contrary to existing medications, ketamine is thought to work on a different neurotransmitter called glutamate. It has been found to stimulate the regrowth of connections between neurons, healing the areas of the brain that have been weakened due to excessive stress exposure, effectively rewiring the brain. Though research is ongoing, studies have found it can alleviate depression symptoms in a matter of hours. In some people, the effects are lasting after a prescribed course. Others need booster treatments.
If you are in crisis, call 911 or visit your nearest hospital
If you feel this could be a suitable treatment for you, and have questions, contact us. If you would like to be referred by your doctor to the Toronto Ketamine Clinic, you can print out this form for your doctor or forward this link.
The information found on this website is not to be construed as medical advice. Please see a licensed health-care professional for help with your medical condition.